Of all competitive shotgun sports, nothing simulates actual field shooting better than Sporting Clays.

Sporting Clays
Challenging, fun, and a great group activity, Sporting Clays make for a great time whether you’re a novice or an experienced shooter. Our courses are designed to simulate hunting duck, pheasant, other upland birds, and even rabbits. Sporting clays utilize different types and sizes of clay targets launched at different angles and speed to simulate realistic animal movements. You’ll see targets crossing, rising, incoming, outgoing, and moving in unpredictable combinations. Sporting clays offer a fun, challenging way to familiarize yourself with target movements and prepare for hunting season any time of year.
Our sporting clay course can accommodate many shooters at once, making it perfect for groups, team building, and training. Depending on the number of shooters in your group and the number of targets being shot, expect to spend between one and three hours on the course.
Shooters need eye protection, ear protection, and at least one shotgun with target ammo (7.5, 8 or 9 shot). Rental Shotguns, ammo and carts are available at the range. We have two-thirteen station courses open Thursday thru Sunday. Call ahead for availability or with any questions about Sporting Clays.
Youth (22 years & Under)
$20.00/50 $40.00/100
$25.00/50 $50.00/100

Interested in an event?
Or maybe you want to come and show your buddy whose got the better aim? Visit our events page and find an upcoming shooting event!