Trap and skeet

Youth (22 years and younger:
$4.50/25 $18.00/100
$7.00/25 $28.00/100


Skeet Shooting is a shotgun sport with variety of target presentations. These simulations represent the flights of various game birds, from semi-straight away to crossing shots, and include single shots and doubles. The skeet field is a semi-circle approximately 42 yards wide by 21 yards deep. A round of skeet is made up of 25 targets shot from eight stations (17 singles, eight doubles). Seven of these stations are equally spaced around the outside of the semi-circle and one (station eight) is centered along its base. The skeet field has two structures from which targets are thrown, a high house and a low house. The houses are located on opposite sides of the baseline of the semi-circle. The high and low refer to the relative positions of the target throwing machines.

 Targets fly at 12 to 15 feet over a center stake located halfway between the two houses, several feet to the outfield of station eight. Target presentations are from either the high house or the low house in singles. At some stations doubles are presented, with one target thrown from both houses at the same time. The shooting sequence is:

Stations one and two: high house single / low house single / high house / low house pair

Stations three, four, and five: high house single / low house single

Stations six and seven: high house single / low house single / low house / high house pair

Station eight: high house single / low house single


The “game of trap” is shot in squads of five shooters and consists of 25 4 ¼ inch targets hurled through the air at 42mph. The trap field trap house has five positions numbered 1-5 from left to right. Shooter stands 16 yards from the trap house, and is thrown five targets (or “birds”) from each position. After five targets, shooters rotate right and the last position move to position one. Trap can be set up for less shooters, with oscillation turned off to give beginning shooters a great introduction to shotgun sport shooting.

Crossville Shooting Sports Park has four Trap / Skeet combo fields and one dedicated Trap Doubles field. Our fields are either voice or manually controlled for your convenience. The concrete sidewalks and station marks from 16 to 27 yards are all set to ATA specifications. 


Trap shot from the 16-yard line. Targets are released from a trap house 16 yards forward. Targets rise between eight and ten feet, 30 feet from the trap house, and travel at various angles that are unknown to the shooters prior to calling for the target.

Up to five shooters line up at the 16-yard line at five different stations. Starting with the first shooter each calls for a target and takes a shot. The next shooter then repeats the process, and so on until each shooter has taken five shots. Once shooters have taken all five shots, they rotate to the next station. This process is repeated until all shooters fired on each station for a total of 25 targets.


This is shot in the same manner as singles trap but from longer distances. These shooter stations are normally between 19 yards and 27 yards, depending on the skill of the shooter.

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